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about us

about company

History of our business begins in the period of post-war reconstruction of the countries of Western Europe. The destroyed economies required a multitude of resources. In 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community was created between Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The member countries of the association removed restrictions on the extraction and transportation of products of the coal mining and metallurgical industries, which contributed to the rapid growth of their economies. An economic boom began in the industrial regions, marked in history as the German economic breakthrough, or the “Miracle on the Rhine” (Wirtschaftswunder).The fastgrowing industrial cluster demanded a growing amount of oils and greases. At the same time, the rapid update of machinery and transport led to an increase in product requirements, consumers needed new and unique products. Many among currently well-known German oil companies established their businesses during this period. The founders of our business, being specialists in the petrochemical industry and possessing extraordinary commercial skills, appreciated the opportunities of the growing market. To meet the unique needs of the customers for products with special properties they established cooperation between research laboratories and manufacturers. As the result, products with optimal properties and prices were created. It was an innovative approach in the sphere of technical oils supplies. Having established sustainable cooperation in the production of special products, the founders of our business were able to devote more time to another sphere, which at fi rst resembled a hobby, the creation of motor oils for rally racing. Later, these two areas - ensuring the unique needs of the industry and the creation of special products for commercial vehicles and Autosport became the main business areas. At that time, the basic principles of the company, which still exist today, were approved.